Lead Receptionist
Lead Receptionist
As a kid I had a dream of becoming a veterinarian. Somehow, I became a financial adviser, and I really didn’t like it. I decided to spend some time volunteering as MADACC, then started working at some local veterinary hospitals. I worked my way up over the years to a technician. I eventually decided to move into a CSR role. I started with Lakeside Animal Hospital in 2024. Helping people and their pets is what brings me joy. I also still enjoy spending time in the back of the clinic when able.
I love traveling and exploring new places. I love yard work and spending time with my friends.
I have a husband of 20+ years and 2 dogs; Sir Frances Dingleberry (3yr old dachshund) and Allie a 17 yr old mix breed. Sir Frances Dingleberry is a regular at local Doxie races and has won!!
I have moved around a lot and lived in 4 states and 2 different countries, but Wisconsin has always been “Home”.